Malibu Orchid Society Monthly Meeting
TUESDAY, January 21 at 7:00 pm
Community Methodist Church, Hart Lounge,
801 Via De La Paz, Pacific Palisades, 90272
William Gunning
Orchids 101: An Overview of Orchid
Culture with Tips for All Growers
We are delighted to welcome back William Gunning as our speaker for this month.
Bill has been growing orchids for over 30 years in Thousand Oaks where he tends
to a collection of 500 orchids of various genera, almost all of them growing outdoors.
He is a distinguished grower having won numerous awards for his well-grown
specimen orchids at both the Santa Barbara and Huntington Orchid Shows.
For his presentation Bill will focus on orchid culture to help us become better growers.
He will include information on understanding how various orchids exist in nature and what
it means to grow them at home. He will cover the basics of how to water, how to fertilize,
light requirements, how to identify the best outdoor growing locations, and the
optimal time for dividing your orchids.
He will highlight orchid award winners, specimens, and share tips that will benefit even
advanced growers. He will include a demonstration on how to care for and repot
Phalaenopsis orchids. There will be time for your questions. If you have a problem plant,
bring it in and Bill will provide tips on its cultural requirements.
Bill is a PhD Physicist who worked his entire career at Rockwell Science Center
(now Teledyne Scientific), in Thousand Oaks. He finally retired as Chief Scientist in
2010. Once he retired, Bill joined the Conejo Orchid Society, and with the
encouragement of several members his hobby grew into an obsession. He has
served several years as Society President and as Vice President responsible
for meeting programs and events. He enjoys sharing what he has learned, planning
exhibits and participating in orchid shows, and other society events.
Bill is also an orchid volunteer at The Huntington Botanical Gardens.
Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome to attend; attendance is free.
About us
Come join us this fall at our new location in the Pacific Palisades.
We are an award winning, volunteer run, 501(c) (3) non-profit organization formed in the spring of 1963 to develop interest in orchids; to aid and assist members with orchid growing and culture; and to provide educational information, which shall benefit its members and the community.
At each meeting members benefit from expert speakers who present illustrated talks on various orchid genera and their culture. Members display orchids each month and share tips on how their plants are grown. Upcoming events are announced and fellow orchid enthusiasts consult with each other on the culture of various orchid species.
Come join us this fall at our new location in the Pacific Palisades.
We are an award winning, volunteer run, 501(c) (3) non-profit organization formed in the spring of 1963 to develop interest in orchids; to aid and assist members with orchid growing and culture; and to provide educational information, which shall benefit its members and the community.
At each meeting members benefit from expert speakers who present illustrated talks on various orchid genera and their culture. Members display orchids each month and share tips on how their plants are grown. Upcoming events are announced and fellow orchid enthusiasts consult with each other on the culture of various orchid species.