Why join?
As a member, this is your chance to…
Annual membership dues are $35 for a single member and $45 for a household, payable in January of each year.
New members may enroll in person by attending any of the monthly meetings.
As a member, this is your chance to…
- meet with other orchid growers on a regular basis, including amateurs, advanced collectors and commercial growers
- obtain helpful information concerning the proper culture of orchids, pests, fertilizer, the best local sources for plants and suppliers, etc.
- hear worldwide orchid experts speak at our monthly meetings.
- see dozens of exceptional orchids at our ribbon-judging table each month.
- win orchids in our monthly raffle.
- seek help for problem plants
- take our annual greenhouse tour of expert growers’ collections.
- participate in our annual auction of several hundred plants.
- receive our monthly newsletter covering news of our speakers, judging awards, calendar of future events and other information helpful to a grower
- use our reference library.
Annual membership dues are $35 for a single member and $45 for a household, payable in January of each year.
New members may enroll in person by attending any of the monthly meetings.